
Signing off the year in true CBS style. Join us……

Hello! At CBS we are always looking for improvement opportunities to help us push on and improve our ever-evolving business model, dynamic and unrivalled service offering. We always find that it is this time of year where we look back over the months that ensued the start of 2020 and assess the highs, the lows, the good, the bad, the ugly and more importantly the all-important achievements and efforts from our super screening team, which always gives us so much to celebrate.  

2020 has been such a challenging year for us all, but with far more positivity in the media of late concerning vaccines and our ableness to spend time with more members of our families, friends and loved ones at Christmas, the light at the end of the calendar tunnel is bigger than it has ever been before! If you’re an employer or employee currently sat there doing the same, then we hail you for enduring what has happened this year, because we will all be far stronger than ever before and far more astute when it comes to our decision making in future.  

If you’ve read our previous blogs (we obviously know you are glued to them 😊) you will get a real feel for the type of people-led agency we are. Our staff are at the forefront of absolutely everything we do! We speak to employers who talk about their staff being such a massive asset, well at CBS our team are our ONLY asset, because without them the CBS train wouldn’t function as seamlessly as it does. Our clients mean everything to us, but ask yourself why our clients speak so highly of us……. Our people! 

We know that having the right people doing the right job is vitally important to the function of any business, whatever your model looks like, so why not take the time leading up to the end of the year to speak to us now about your plans, or recruitment ideas moving forward for 2021. What better way to sign off the year in styleknowing that by the time this year closes out, you’re moving into the New Year knowing that you’ve got a screening partner that will go above and beyond to ensure that painful decisions and employment headaches are a thing of the past. 

Our screening professionals are at the ready, so why not get in touch for a complimentary, socially distanced or virtual mince pie and let us showcase to you the standard of work we deliver and just why we are the perfect screening fit for you moving into next year and beyond. 

Call us today on 01443 799900 or drop us an email to info@cbscreening.co.uk


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CBS 2020: Over and Out

CBS 2020: Over and Out

We’ve all had a rollercoaster of a year but there is still so much to celebrate! We’re still going into the office and are open during the festive period should anyone need us.

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Helping you safeguard your people, your business and your brand

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