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CBS is a multi-award-winning company and one of the largest pre-employment screening and criminal check providers in the UK.

18 October 2016

Social media accounts are now an everyday part of life for job seekers and make up an important part if their identity, history, character and interests. Since inception, where we saw platforms like Bebo and MySpace launch, social media has allowed people to share their innermost thoughts, feelings, interests and beliefs.

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10 October 2016

When applying for a new job, many applicants are discouraged due to the need to declare a criminal past at the first stage of an application. The Ban the Box campaign aims to remove and reposition the need for those with previous convictions from having to disclose their history at the first stage of job application.

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21 September 2016

On 15th December 2015, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission agreed on a new Digital Single Market Strategy: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It was put in place to estalish an EU wide data protection framwork that will be made law in May 2017.

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13 September 2016

Although the benefits of regular exercise are well known and documented, a large number of people within the UK do not get the recommended amount of exercise. Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries with an estimated 1.9 million deaths a year worldwide attributed to lack of exercise.

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