Manage the risks of holding credit card information.

Are you a business that holds credit card and other monetary information? Then this blog post is for you!

We are going to look at managing the risks of holding credit card information, and how our PCI DSS compliance service can help!

For customers, trusting businesses holding their data is critical. And therefore businesses being able to trust staff is of paramount importance.

Managing the risks of holding credit card information is essential for businesses and it protects the security and privacy of customer data. The types of business in the UK that hold credit card information could be retailers, hospitality businesses, financial institutions such as banks and many more!

So, what are the some of the best ways to manage the risks of holding credit card information?

  1. Encryption:
    Implementing strong encryption systems will protect any financial data. Encryption helps prevent unauthorised access.
  2. Secure Networks:
    Ensure and maintain a secure network infrastructure. This can be done by using strong passwords, fire walls and secure system settings.
  3. Limited Access:
    One of the best ways to protect credit card data is to limit the number of employees who have access, and also regular monitor the systems they use so there is a low risk of data being leaked. It is also important that the employees with access to this data go through regular training so that they are always working with the best practices to protect data.
  4. And also, compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which we will look at in more detail below:


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a proprietary information security standard for organisations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB.

Compliance with the PCI DSS is mandatory for any organisation that handles payment card information, and compliance is usually validated through self-assessments, external audits, or a combination of both. If organisations do not comply with PCI DSS, it can result in fines, penalties and the removal of permission to process card transactions.

In some cases, PCI DSS compliance requires background checks to be performed on any prospective employee who will have access to cardholder data or the cardholder data environment. Background checks for PCI DSS compliance may also be a part of an organisation’s security and risk management procedures.

It is also important to note that the requirement of background checks for PCI DSS compliance can vary depending on local laws, industry regulations, and organisational policies. Also, background checks maybe required by some payment card brands, banks, and other financial organisations.

And that’s where CBS can help!

Do you want to know more about our PCI DSS compliance screening service? Contact our team today to discuss our range of screening packages. We would love to talk to you! 01443 440080 /