
CBS is Going Green: Read All About Our Eco Efforts

Let’s face it, the world is changing. We have far more information available to us now than we ever did before about the effects of climate change and how we’re all playing a part. It cannot be ignored – we all need to take notice, unite and educate.

A recent global survey by Nielsen found 81% of people think it is extremely or very important that companies implement programmes to improve the environment. Furthermore, a 2018 report by 18 Feet & Rising found 88% of all UK SMEs value sustainability, but up to 70% struggle to implement strategies to make this a reality.

We have a responsibility, not just as human beings, but as a commercial enterprise that can take the lead and invest in our planet and its next generation. CBS plans to be around for a long time, so we’re not just thinking about now, we are planning for the future.


CBS Is Becoming More Eco-Conscious

As part of our new mission, CBS is intent on not creating any harm to our environment, preventing as much damage to the environment through our actions as possible. That means becoming as eco-friendly as possible, going far beyond just turning the lights off when we leave a room, or recycling our waste.

We have set ourselves the ambitious goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2020 and are working closely with our local authority who provide enterprise schemes and assistance to promote ‘green thinking’ throughout our borough.

Over recent months, we have seen a 300% increase in the number of recycling bags used, more than 30% of the current staff now walk to work and use no mode of transport, whereas up to 50% of staff now car share or use public transport to minimise impact.


So, How Will We Do This?


Everyone at CBS is responsible for helping us meet our goals and have already made huge strides, including:


A Bigger, Better, More Eco-Friendly Work Environment

As you may already know, we moved into our swanky new office at the turn of the year. However, what you may not know about is its eco-credentials.

Before moving in, we installed all new windows and insolation to minimise heat-loss and keep our energy use as low as possible. Further down the line, we’re also hoping to install solar panels and to renew the roof.

In the meantime, we have replaced all our traditional lamps with LED lighting throughout the office so that we use 75% less energy. All the energy we use is now sourced through a renewable energy provider, and we have also fitted a new air ventilation system which removes the need for gas and runs a sustainable programme for clean air.

Last but not least, we ensured the grassy areas surrounding the office were untouched until the end of May so that we could encourage pollination.


Educating Others on How to Become More Eco-Friendly

Being based within an ex-mining community where previous considerations for environmental operations were not appropriately considered, we believe it is especially important to raise awareness of this cause and are openly encouraging our staff to share ideas and new innovative ways in which we can do more for the planet.

If you would like to learn more about our eco-efforts, then get in touch! We’re always happy to discuss our eco-credentials and how we’re making the background and employment screening industry kinder on the planet.

Alternatively, for more news on what the CBS has been up to in recent weeks, keep an eye on this blog.

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