
Why Santa is Only Eligible for a Basic DBS Check

Only 39 sleeps until the big day!


Christmas Day is fast approaching, and as Santa is busy working in the North Pole getting ready, we’re getting lots of requests regarding enhanced DBS checks for Old Saint Nick! However, did you know he is only eligible for a basic DBS check?

December is in full swing, which means that it’s the time of year that children up and down the UK may be looking forward to visiting Santa at his grotto. While it may seem like standard practice to perform an enhanced DBS check on someone who is in such close contact with children, this is not actually the case.

In general, Santa does not need an Enhanced DBS check. Enhanced DBS checks are normally needed when someone would be regularly engaging with children unsupervised or working with them frequently in nurseries or schools.

You may be thinking, ‘but Santa will be regularly engaging with children?’ But, as his elves are constantly on hand, along with parents and guardians present, he is not left unsupervised and therefore doesn’t qualify for an Enhanced DBS check.

Santa only works for a few weeks of the year and is only with a child once for a minute or two, meaning the safeguarding risk is very low and he doesn’t actually meet the eligibility criteria for an enhanced DBS check. However, a basic DBS check could be requested.

To follow simple safeguarding rules to ensure the safety of children this time of year, a basic DBS check, requiring references and conducting a short interview will be sufficient to find the perfect Santa.

Carrying out a basic DBS check on Santa will show any unspent convictions in the UK, which will help anyone looking to hire Santa this year, allowing them to make a safe recruitment decision.

Let our elves help you this Christmas season! If your business is in need of basic DBS checks, or you would like to speak to us about background screening services, get in touch with us today on 01443 799900, or email us on

As Christmas is fast approaching, and 2023 draws to a close, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to our friends, colleagues, customers and suppliers. As always, we appreciate your continued support, and we are looking forward to a great 2024 together! From all of us here at CBS, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are excited to catch up with you all soon 😊

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